Category Archives: Student Travel
Traveling to Europe in 2024?
October 27, 2023If you are traveling to Europe in the New Year, there are some new regulations you need to be aware of that need to be met before you go! Click the button below to read the article. 11.6.23 EDIT: The new regulations have been pushed back and will take effect mid 2025.

Staying Hydrated While Traveling
June 26, 2020SYTA has published an article on the importance of staying hydrated while traveling. You can read the article by clicking the link below. Vamonos Tours also recognizes the importance of staying hydrated. We provide each of our travelers with a reusable Nalgene water bottle and remind our students to fill it frequently throughout the day.

3 Ways a Visit to Puerto Rico Allows Students to Grow
October 16, 2019Discover Puerto Rico recently published a blog on ways a visit to Puerto Rico allows students to grow. To read their article click the link below.

Have a Cell Phone Policy!
August 30, 2019After hundreds of tours, we noticed that students’ attention, discipline, and responsiveness are much stronger and rewarding in groups that adhere to a “no cell-phone bus policy.” Without a cell phone, students appreciate the sights, talk to each other, and pay attention to the guide. But, how do parents stay in touch with them? What…

Student Travel Changes Lives
May 30, 2019What do these four have in common: student travel, Puerto Rico, Minecraft, and Hurricane Maria? Meet Cory and you’ll instantly be able to connect these four. Eight years ago, one high school Spanish trip to Puerto Rico changed Cory Scheviak’s life. Consequently, this experience transformed the lives of many in Puerto Rico. In the icy…

Why should You Travel With Your Students?
July 12, 2018After a recent class trip to Costa Rica, group leader JJ Epperson of Gibson Southern High School in Indiana wrote a great blog post for why you should travel with your students. If you are considering a school trip with your students, this blog is a must read. It will encourage you and have you…

10 cool tips to make the most out of your service-learning experience
May 17, 2018By Esther Riddle Do you want your service-learning visit to be a memorable one? We have found that when travelers PREPARE activities ON THEIR OWN, the visit goes much smoother and is far more successful. If your group is willing to serve for one full day or for several days and can supply some materials, we’d…
Should Your Tour Operator Be A SYTA Member?
January 3, 2018Absolutely! SYTA (Student & Youth Travel Association) recently wrote an article explaining why teachers and schools should choose a SYTA member tour operator for their school tours. As SYTA members, we are held to very high standards. Through the years, we have had to rescue groups who chose non-member companies based on price and promises…

Are Your Souvenirs Authentic?
August 1, 2017We all do it. We go on a trip or vacation and we bring back souvenirs. How often have you given thought to how authentic your souvenirs are? Have you ever considered whether your souvenirs are ethically sourced? Could buying that item cause harm to a country, an economy, an ecosystem, or an endangered species?…

Be Savvy World Travelers
June 8, 2017SYTA (Student & Youth Travel Association) recently published an article in their Teach & Travel magazine entitled: Don’t Be a Tourist. Be a Traveler. The article shares key stories and recommendations on how to encourage students to experience culture firsthand. Tips such as slowing down, visiting markets, riding public transportation, volunteering and going places off the beaten path are…