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  1. Currency – it’s the U.S. Dollar – no currency exchange needed!
  2. Accessibility – Panama is easily accessible with direct flights from several major cities in the U.S.
  3. Reliable – Panamá has a very strong and reliable infrastructure, medical care, democratic government, and telecommunications.
  4. Safe – It has a low crime rate, minimal threat of natural disasters, and has high hygiene standards (safe drinking water).
  5. History – The country has plenty of history to be found. Everywhere you will find historic cities, old ruins, and ornate 17th century cathedrals displaying Panamá’s rich history.
  6. Cultural Diversity – Panamá is home to seven indigenous Amerindian tribes that have preserved their way of life for centuries. They are friendly, welcoming, and would love to share their culture with you. In addition, the country is rich in European-Spanish and African cultures.
  7. Spanish – With only 15% of the population that speaks English, this country is ideal for Spanish immersion tours.
  8. Rich Nature – Panamá has expansive rain forests and beautiful beaches. You can get up close and personal with the wild life and swim in two different oceans in one day!
  9. Be Happy! – Panamá is one of the top five happiest countries on earth!